
Stay Blessed - But Why Should I?

I come across this sentence - "Stay Blessed" mostly at the end of each Social Media Post/Tweet of Popular People. Normally, when I see it, I presume that he/she is wishing us good deeds. But recently, I started interpreting it deep down to understand what one really means by putting it as an annotation. Is it a call to God (If one believe) to bless us. But you should be writing - "God Bless". Or is it a call to people/society to love everybody. Then you should be writing - "Stay Loved". Or is it a call to live for a long time. Then you should be writing - "Stay Long" or "Long Live". Or is it he/she themselves blessing us as they have been successful upto that point. Then you should be writing - "Bless you". Or is it an annotation to show that they care for their fans. Then you should be writing - "Take Care". Or is it a wish for fans to be always happy. Then you should be writing - "Stay Happy". Or is it th

Directors I grew with - Part 2 - Vetrimaaran - Imperfection is Beautiful!!!

                    When I started expanding my taste of movies to Hollywood, its natural I started loosing interest in Commercial movies and Masala entertainers. I initially thought it is the way stories are narrated which makes Hollywood movies pretty special. Not only that, Jumbled narration, multiple layers of story line, strong characterization, professional production plans have all made Hollywood movies undeniably special. Of all, you have an audience who welcome it with warm hands. I cannot celebrate movies that I dont understand. But there is one feature I admire from 5 Indian Movies one director Vetrimaaran ( for which he took 13 golden years!!! Worth it. He has all the awards to his name. National and International recognitions too!!! But I loved only one aspect of his movies - IMPERFECTION!!! Imperfection has its beauty which is eternal in its sense. This man has crafted it quite brilliantly. I feel imperfection has been planned and

"May COVID 19 gift us Simple Marriages"

I was sitting in the middle of a crowd. My relative sitting nearby was enquiring about my career. Someone was capturing my conversation in a video camera with an assistant showering lights on me. People around wore nice dress, ornaments and well made for the occasion. Plastic flowers and colorful designs pasted on walls and windows. A child was crying at the corner and a cousin was consoling. Children in groups were busy playing around. A lot of young nephews and cousins were teasing and mocking around.  It was mix of sounds. I can see a stage elevated enough for these people to watch. There were two people on stage dressed, ornamented and made up well enough more than anybody else in that Hall. They were receiving a gift and smiling for the camera, FLASH!!! Before the next person was about to walk into the stage, bunch of friends broke in, cleared away even the couple for some time to arrange a cake cutting ceremony. You can see a big queue standing beneath the stage waiting to gift a

Life is a See-Saw of Happiness!!!

There is a million dollar question throughout the history of Man – What makes us happy? Whatever makes an individual satisfied, makes him happy. An individual high on drugs or alcohol, an individual earning lots of money irrespective of the ways it was earned, a social system keeping masses down the ladder just to keep few up the ladder satisfied - All these smells like happiness then!! Biologists point out biochemistry in this happiness research. Serotonin, Dopamine are some of happiness hormones that ring the bells. Gene has put upper and lower boundaries on happiness. You can either climb to the top or fall to the bottom. Genetically, we are all different. Dhoni and Kohli are not same. Depending on the situation, you may be happy or sorrow or neutral. Scientifically, it stops here in inferring the happiness. We don’t have any proven healthy medicine to influence this. Of course, we have non-healthy alternatives - drugs, alcohol or any other thing your gene considers it as happiness

Government Ads Review: Good Content but Poor Execution !! Rating: Below Average

                             An Advertisement is always showcased in its full version for first few days being telecasted. As viewers start getting the addictive perception growing strong for that particular ad, it will get its trimmed version being telecasted. From Vodafone to Oppo to Mauka Mauka ads, the story is same. Is it a feature movie to have its trailer or super scenes alone played ? Even a conservative adult will try Pizzas or KFC chicken (Finger licking is good!) atleast once seeing those close-ups around roasted grills. Good or bad, have it not made children pick their favourite biscuits or chocolates or junk easily from rack themselves and fill up the super market baskets for their fathers to get shocked in bill counters ? An ad has even showcased that eating oily roasted items are lighter (?) (Light ah tha miss irukum!). These have made life easier to not change channels in ad-breaks. Some have good background music, some have very good content, some are carried by great

Has Cricket killed all other Sports in India???

                        USA spends one third of its GDP on Sports. Even communist China has Olympic schools to groom prospects right from childhood. Ethiopia's name has not much been heard by world except when an athlete from this country lean for groping gold in their neck standing 'No. 1' of the sweet woodspot. Iran, Kazhakstan, Cuba and many other smaller nations have consistently been spotting a decent place in medals tally. It looks like India is devoid of talents. Is it so? A Big No!!! Then what is happening with us?'. We usually feel like, 'Sports governance is declining', 'Cricket has killed all other sports', 'Non-Cricket sports are not much popular', 'Government is not concerned about sportsmanship', 'Indian parents place sports as a last choice for their children', '40% in the nation are poor and sleep daily in hunger, Can they ever dream of sports?', 'World class infra-led US can be a nightmare for Indian

Globalisation of Buddhism/Atheism soon !!

                       You would have been following any religion till now or not following nothing. For all religious followers, either you do it intense or simple Butter-over-Bread kind, have you ever thought why do we follow it ? Again category of people following your religion with some motto or meaning or understanding, please drop out. Now stick to rest of religious followers. We dont know why we follow our religion. Then we react like, my name comes from my religion. Then, I visit social institutions related to my religion. Then, my marriage happens following my religion's ritual model. Then, any festival in my home happens according to my religion prescribing. Then, I can see through my future through astrology. Its an involuntary social coupon handed over by the society at birth. This entity decides almost all of my social life.                        So a religion is not that simple as we think. It can make you hard for survival if you are a Muslim in Myanmur, Can push

Hacking of Family with Aadhar - A Data Marriage !!

                       Sun for Solar system, Father for Family, Namo for India, 'Aadhar' for growth. Link everything with Aadhar. PAN or SIM Card or Debit Card or PDS Smart Card or School ID Card. Then what, I can virtually track anyone. 'My Aadhar, My Identity'. Just imagine if Aadhar aids Artificial Intelligence and goes takes marital role linking Aadhars of Husband, Wife and Children in a family. An 'Aadhar Family', shortly 'AaF'. Beyond social connection at home, a Family can be linked digitally outside home. Aadhar's growth is usurping today. Within its 2 years of activation, it has already hit Right to Privacy. Beyond what it has already linked and what it is doing already, lets imagine what it can possibly do and what it is capable of. We cant deny our imaginations, be it positive or negative, but instead can only control. Marriage Hacked !!                        Liquor is growing so steep as a socio-economic problem especially in deve

Music Memory

                          "Memory is defined as the faculty of mind by which information is encoded, stored and retrieved. Its the retention of info over a period of time influencing future actions. Its related to limbic systems and vital to experiences". Definitions like these are always head-spinning. Must be reminding the financial investment disclosure ads where a famous voice speaks in ultra speed like 'Mutual fund schemes are subjected to market risks. Please read the offer documents carefully before investing'. Yes, Memory is that complex to handle even at definition level. Because, for example, what If you forget Good memories but unable to forget bad memories ? Apart from its complexity and many other unique attributes, I ll take up its storage attribute. Forget Cerebrum or Medulla Oblangata. What If Music plays a part in memory storage ?  Thats what my contention is. Blanket of Music over Mind                           Lets strictly restrict within M

Respect Cash in Cashless Economy

                  Every Indian, be it Literate or Illiterate, should have been able to explain something about the word 'Cashless'. Thanks to euphoria created by our Prime Minister Modi around Digital India Dreams. Despite Modi, more to it like movie comedies with beggars carrying PoS machines, villages in media flash to first go cashless, (Demon)etisation pushing it hard enough. There has to be something out of it. Otherwise it would have never got such public fraternity right ? Barring with claims of so-called Stoppage of Terror funding and Counterfeit controlling, the most important outcomes genuinely are Black Money Regulation and Organizedness in economy. Latter meaning simply that whatever happens in economy, monetarily and financially, its completely visible for government. Does that sound sweet enough ? This is what a Common man's Financial murmuring been, 'Kodi kodiya adikaravana lam vutrunga !!' ('Leave those who loot in crores'). Yes, Cashless ha

Vadivelu - Indian Chaplin!!!

        The name 'Vadivelu' ( ) itself gives us a flash of expressions, mannerisms and dialogues he has mesmerized the audience with for years in Tamil Cinema. A non-Tamilian grasps him rarely as he is a pure locally inclined comedian. But that has never made him inferior to be compared alongside comedian greats of the world. Cinema has no linguistic boundaries. Art's beauty lies in its universality across global languages. Vadivelu's mesmerism too extends way beyond dialogues that a non-Tamilian can easily miss. As an Hard-core fan, still grasping each and every inch of him as he starts appearing on screen, I will try exploring my version of 'Vadivelu'.          A Comedian succeeds when audience starts laughing seeing only his face. As he gives a Police commanding look in Maruthamazhai or A King's look in Pulikesi or A Rowdy look in Thalainagaram, he just nails it. I have started laughing numerous times as he enters

Real race is yet to start in Education!!!

             An Education system should be pushing students to think, to create, to regulate, to manage, to empathize. But in India, it has been propounded on the principles of raw knowledge. WHEN you use it, HOW you use it, WHY you use it has always been a big hovering question around this system. They are given Books, taught in classes by Teachers and questions quite straight forward such that except time and speed of writing, nothing much to work upon. We are not tested much for conceptual understanding.              Students are experts in sticking to what system wants. They learn the way the system wants, reproduce as the system expects. All future education opportunities relying on such a system's outcome easily moulds students towards such rote learning. Schools too have set the path at earnest perfection towards producing marks and creates methods to score marks as the only objective. So participants of this system keep themselves adapted to system to achieve maximum poss

Is Indian Road Driving really an Art to Cherish ??

               A long mongering topic in my mind each time I start my Bike !! Sounds funny when we call a Driving Citizen an artist. But Yes he/she is. Driving is an art normally but to have such an uniqueness in it is not ordinary. It has all its artistic excellence to make India proud to be the Worst road ever for driving in world. Government has its own contribution in this achievement which is hailed considerably. But Citizen's contribution is completely neglected here. I am here to explore that. You would have come across certain elements in front of you while driving. Some would have been performed by yourself. Thump your chests with proud how dutiful citizens you were and you will !! Marvellous kind !! Drive like an Indian !!                Disc brakes have made life easy for youth especially. They save a lot of time with short strand driving. Means, rise to 80 in 5 seconds, brakes at tip of crash with vehicle in front, rise and fall in this cycle. When they do it cu

Directors I grew with - Part 1 - Selvaraghavan

            Cinema is one of the most potent deception the earth has ever witnessed. As you enter the theatre in its pristine dark environment, your mind slowly starts radiating any stress you were carrying. Some would have entered the hall for their favorite hero/heroine, some for their director or some to step out of stress and some for reviewing (Latest crop of audience). I would like to touch upon the director as a fan favorite, nothing more !! I am not here to glorify anybody like he is one of the best the cinema has ever seen or he has put lots of hard work to come up or he is like that etc etc. Because cinema is already over glorified mainly because of too much promotions and marketing more than necessary. That always gives us a feeling of whether cinema is only one field where there are real achievers. Cinema's deception potency has no bounds.               Great Directors across the world showcase uniqueness in every aspect of their film making. Nolan signified question-

Do India really need a National language?

                              I am not writing this to justify Hindi should not be the National Language. Because it is not already. Its officially the Official language. So why does India require a national language ? Its because a Tamilian can fluently complaint to a Delhi Minister or a Maharashtrian to sell Jio sim easily in North east or a Tribal can greet a Punjabi Ecotourist like 'Kaise ho (How are you)' or every citizen starts understanding the meaning of each central government scheme or its that PM can address people in a bid to ensure 'The nation wants to know (what he speaks)'. I tried hindi and somehow learnt that sound 'gaha'. I faced this problem when I was about to sing a Hindi song in my company's culturals. But does it stop at reproducing 'gaha' or is there any more to it ? No, but can it be or should it be ?                               Lets suppose Hindi be our National language. Easy communication across states and states

Has Indian Democracy become Democrazy enough ??

                  This one particular topic came to my mind because of the mindset of governance in India. Whenever India says its the largest democracy in world, it means that every act of governance is for people's welfare. But it should also mean how much people has perceived it like that !! Its very important for people as the primary contestant in democracy !! This gives them the order of Socrates automatically to understand and perceive governance ways. If governance in turn do not perceive it in right way, then its perceiving the democracy itself wrongly. Ufff wats really Reality is ??                     Media is one big way to analyse such demographic perception of governance. But its objective remains farther from depicting reality. Paid/Fake news has taken a new form called 'Distraction' news. Exaggeration and continuous feeding of information has been used to either shape up or distract from perceiving actual intention. Sad part is that apart from mainst

A 5 day live thriller movie - Test Matches

                 Cricket had its origin with a Test match in 1844 between USA and Canada. Compared with other two formats - ODI (since 1971) and T20 (since 2005), test format has its indispensable 175 years of history and contribution to cricket. Heated debates prevail over silent cornering of this important format by T20 (even ODIs face that now). Test format have long been accused since last decade of being boredom, contracting lesser audience and among all, no glamour in its essence anymore (comment of a common fan!). Is test format losing its shine really ? I dont think so !! It has been beautifully sculpted in last two to three years by players across globe. It has started breaking all the accusations. A reflection of it was ICC's plans for Test championship (A World cup in Test Matches). I believe more than to save the format, it is to acknowledge its evolution to Cricket. It has developed all in-built features and ready to compete with T20. I am here to bring out some featu

Being an Indian and investing in Shares

                        I have barely heard any normal Indian (called as Retail Investor) speaking about nuances of share market or an idea of investing in there. Top corporates, MBA graduates, foreign investors etc have been major active participants driving our Share (Capital) market. For a normal Indian, its an arena where one requires luck (Investment doubling in a month) or virtual operation is always deceptive or you get Jackpot/Nothing kind of views. We can arguably put the views into one word - 'Casino/Lottery'. Means he still cant understand the basic functioning of the market. Is it their mistake not trying it to understand ? But actually its the mistake of the market in itself with such complexity and volatility that even a market expert sits in for a continuous deep research to come out with near-exact predictions. So where does they park their savings now ?                         Ample of savings scheme ranging from bank's fixed or recurring deposits to soci