Government Ads Review: Good Content but Poor Execution !! Rating: Below Average

                             An Advertisement is always showcased in its full version for first few days being telecasted. As viewers start getting the addictive perception growing strong for that particular ad, it will get its trimmed version being telecasted. From Vodafone to Oppo to Mauka Mauka ads, the story is same. Is it a feature movie to have its trailer or super scenes alone played ? Even a conservative adult will try Pizzas or KFC chicken (Finger licking is good!) atleast once seeing those close-ups around roasted grills. Good or bad, have it not made children pick their favourite biscuits or chocolates or junk easily from rack themselves and fill up the super market baskets for their fathers to get shocked in bill counters ? An ad has even showcased that eating oily roasted items are lighter (?) (Light ah tha miss irukum!). These have made life easier to not change channels in ad-breaks. Some have good background music, some have very good content, some are carried by great celebrities (Do they guarantee the product quality they endorse!), some are entertaining !! Apart from promoting the product, it has all its entertainment elements set right to be attractive enough for weeks to months.
                             Now when you are eagerly resting on seat edges in a first day first show situation. Where your expectation can even make you watch a mokka (Boring!) trailer before actual movie. But even in that situation, you will get relaxed and rest on seat after you watch the Tobacco Ban ad of government endorsed by Rahul Dravid. You have 'The Great Wall of Indian Cricket' himself, you have him as official ambassador for the cause which is also showcased by the ad, you have one of the greatest social message rolling on, you have some facts flashed. But why do we never feel connected to it even in such a big screen ? It would never have attracted even 10% of the audience there in seats each time it played. There is another one with Anushka Sharma playing lead in a Swaach Bharat ad. Celebrity is different, but the essence of the ad and its reception never changed. Think of those government ads with no such celebrities and promotes Agriculture, Health of children and women etc.

Remembering this Ad for all wrong reasons !! !!

                             Music is the first culprit. Cant we have some Music director celebrity to get it intriguing. Peeping through the visual clarity of Ads, even Youtube Short films are way good in lens usage. Where are simple cheap digital cameras atleast (Digital India chalo!) !! Of all, colours usage in these ads makes us think, 'Are we still in Eastmen colour era ?'. Irritating Dubbing voices, Plain ad-styles like printed social messages on a banner and many more deficiencies. Not only government ads, have you ever thought of visiting any government website again and again ? Yes, they are improving but never near Digital India dreams !! We have still been proven even more strongly with these ads that products of Government will be 'Substandard'. These look like flop movies produced with great crew. These are evidence of government seriously undermining Multimedia mode to awareness campaigns.
                             Ads of highest marketing and entertainment essence have become a reality. To promote social cause among these, you should be atleast decent in neo-content and style of making. That too for a society still trying to understand the power of voting (One such example). Maybe good ads, good reception, development and Voting with understanding ?? Its one linear assumption. A multimedia content with social intention has to hit the viewer's brains with sledge hammers, 'Wake up !! Wake Up !!'. But these ads are hitting our heads straight away, 'Ufff !!'. Awareness campaigns has to drop its governmently thinking and move beyond. Marketing the schemes is not easy even with very good ads. But with such mediocre ads ?? A documentary made by a talented director and promising crew, on Swaach bharat, even without celebrities, can do the magic. Akshay kumar's 'Toilet: Ek Prem Katha' has achieved drawing audience mainly with its content and its more than Akshay Kumar in the movie. But movies are one stop kind. After a month, audiences are going to move well past the intention. Ads are something with very good expiry period, easy to be made in time and cost and easy to employ celebrities !!            


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