Stay Blessed - But Why Should I?

I come across this sentence - "Stay Blessed" mostly at the end of each Social Media Post/Tweet of Popular People. Normally, when I see it, I presume that he/she is wishing us good deeds. But recently, I started interpreting it deep down to understand what one really means by putting it as an annotation. Is it a call to God (If one believe) to bless us. But you should be writing - "God Bless". Or is it a call to people/society to love everybody. Then you should be writing - "Stay Loved". Or is it a call to live for a long time. Then you should be writing - "Stay Long" or "Long Live". Or is it he/she themselves blessing us as they have been successful upto that point. Then you should be writing - "Bless you". Or is it an annotation to show that they care for their fans. Then you should be writing - "Take Care". Or is it a wish for fans to be always happy. Then you should be writing - "Stay Happy". Or is it they are wishing us luck. Then you should be writing - "Good Luck".

Do I sound pessimistic doubting their intentions? Maybe or may not be because still I dont get the real meaning of writing it. Now be a pessimist. They may be tasting success because of various rational reasons but popular people writing it may mean that success comes to only those who are really blessed. Blessed by Whom? A Supernatural power right? GOD/GODMEN atleast. Fans liking such posts are then CURSED? If one goes by the relation - 'BLESSED' and "SUCCESSFUL', then unsuccessful are cursed. So you have to be Blessed to be successful. If you are not, you are going to Rot. 

I really searched for meaning of this sentence in Lexicon, Oxford, Merriam, Cambridge etc. Mostly they mean bringing Happiness, Luck, Pleasure, Good Fortune, Good Karma etc. It means good deeds happen in life out of blessing and not by Rational Actions towards success. He/She writing this unknowingly unintentionally means that they are successful because they are BLESSED and the Fan liking the Post is ordinary because they are not Blessed or may be Cursed. It has high Spiritual/Supernatural meaning to it rather rationality to define success/happiness.  

I am not blaming anyone for writing such annotation. I sense that a Fan reading it may have such pessimism unknowingly created in themselves. They may think that Success comes only to those who are Blessed. After trying and failing repeatedly, they may presume at some point that he/she is not that Blessed to reach such success. They are destined to get failed despite taking efforts. It may disturb the real definition of contentment, happiness and success. They may think that their life is not that happy and successful when compared to popular people. When Successful people define and propose happiness/success in terms of rationality in even more clear words, it has huge magical guidance on Fans. Thats what we expect as an Optimist from Popular people. Stay Positive, interpret it rationally for your own good and Stay Hard Working!!


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