Real race is yet to start in Education!!!

             An Education system should be pushing students to think, to create, to regulate, to manage, to empathize. But in India, it has been propounded on the principles of raw knowledge. WHEN you use it, HOW you use it, WHY you use it has always been a big hovering question around this system. They are given Books, taught in classes by Teachers and questions quite straight forward such that except time and speed of writing, nothing much to work upon. We are not tested much for conceptual understanding.
             Students are experts in sticking to what system wants. They learn the way the system wants, reproduce as the system expects. All future education opportunities relying on such a system's outcome easily moulds students towards such rote learning. Schools too have set the path at earnest perfection towards producing marks and creates methods to score marks as the only objective. So participants of this system keep themselves adapted to system to achieve maximum possible. 
              Now they point out suddenly that students are going through such undesirable rote learning. They are incompetent to create innovations, their employability is worst and to sum up, they are Mughearts. So is it a justification of saving an incompetent system by pointing fingers at students ? You have made students look like fools. The only critical thinking emerged out of being a part of this system is that it is the system that is incompetent and not the students themselves.

System wants students like that !!
              Every student is dependent on parents who again are better adapters to this weak system even more than students. Students wont just blame. They are always ready to stick to new system that embraces criticality. They would continue to be real students and participants of any system              
              Real change does not mean students can sleep this night with rote learning and start being socrates the next morning waking up. CBSE and other State board syllabuses have evolved over time. So System should also take its time in guiding students, teachers and parents to new framework keeping penetration timeline, adaptation ability and socio economic inequality of India in mind. Suicides and deaths of each and every student is a shame on this rotting system.
              India has been thumping its chests with increasing literacy to 74%. But literacy has been strictly not more than reading and writing a language. Apart from inventions and being professionals, there are more important things to getting educated in a right way. Among these officially educated 74%, how many know to book a cab or transfer money sitting in your home with a swipe, how many can stand away from investing in a ponzi scheme, how many know to whom should I vote for a good governance, how many know whats it for being sitting in home without voting on day of elections, how many are inviting scheduled caste neighbours to their home functions, how many allow women to work after marriage, how many ask why should I file tax returns, how many dont waste water while washing their hands or dispose wastes into dust bin nearby or segregate wastes without laziness while placing for pickup daily morning? A system with critical education can only award such an aware citizen to country. Dont make them look like fools !! They are always ready with some transition time, Is the system ready enough ?


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