Is Indian Road Driving really an Art to Cherish ??

               A long mongering topic in my mind each time I start my Bike !! Sounds funny when we call a Driving Citizen an artist. But Yes he/she is. Driving is an art normally but to have such an uniqueness in it is not ordinary. It has all its artistic excellence to make India proud to be the Worst road ever for driving in world. Government has its own contribution in this achievement which is hailed considerably. But Citizen's contribution is completely neglected here. I am here to explore that. You would have come across certain elements in front of you while driving. Some would have been performed by yourself. Thump your chests with proud how dutiful citizens you were and you will !! Marvellous kind !!

Drive like an Indian !!

               Disc brakes have made life easy for youth especially. They save a lot of time with short strand driving. Means, rise to 80 in 5 seconds, brakes at tip of crash with vehicle in front, rise and fall in this cycle. When they do it cutting across vehicle gaps, it looks like they lie down and drive. What an artist !! If its not an art to race with friends using hyper CC bikes in a normal traffic, then what art is !! Not to miss the contribution of Bike manufacturers. They have devised hyper CC in light weight vehicle like Duke. Its a master brain to enable cycle weight vehicle operate at high CC to create an impeccable art.
               Multitasking is one such element of this art where driving goes splendidly along with conversation through phone. These are class-kind time managers who use their horn the best for the purpose. They feel like a King because any vehicle in front should move aside for the horn and keep up King's movement uninterrupted. Even as they wait in heavy traffic, horn should make people give way even if its not possible. Because a King waits for none.
               Another energy saving art is using Indicator as they started turning already where they want to. Because energy is more important than the driver at back of turning vehicle to adjust for the diversion in front. You would have started wondering how each and every part of vehicle has been used that efficient. Yes, Headlights at high beams are a manifestation of being Kingly. Car drivers overtaking along opposite lanes fully will only dim and brighten it again to ensure King is coming and everyone should wait till the car moves on.
               Another kingly quality coming up is that drive along opposite lanes as much as you wanted. Even if vehicles on opposite lanes cry, 'Boss, This is a two-lane', Keep up. Not to stop with it, there is a gap left on pedestrian on left side right !! Enter there in style lifting and receding !! We are gap fillers and time managers !! And the famous saying goes, 'If the pedestrian way is to sleep, then its for driving too !!'. Most striking feature of this kingly attitude is that to carry these elements to National Highways quite easily without fear. After all, all are Tar roads right !! Never mind Big trucks or 120 kmph cars or Junctions along countryside. Be what you are !!
              Such an holistic art should definitely have engenderment right !! Yes, Of course !! Scooties help them being even more Queenly. Even females crossing the roads have their heads high without watching the vehicles interrupting. Thats Queenly Thats Queenly !! Then what about juveniles ? Are they not in this kingly race ? They do contribute to this excellence despite limited feet access to ground.
              Driving is a manifestation of Psychology whether you admit it or not. But its prone to mutation just because of mix of psychologies. Just think for a second,whether your driving style is how you actually wanted it to be or more of a reaction to other driving styles out there. More on latter type and former type exists for new drivers initially. Best part is that driver does not know still that its an art and been performing it for long. They dont enjoy watching other performances in front either. To cherish, Awards can be created for worst drivers to hit the morale. That would make drivers really keep in senses and aware of their artistic performance. A clash of performances create some incidents called Accidents. Thats how we made it to being the worst ever road in world. Kudos Brothers and Sisters !!


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