Has Indian Democracy become Democrazy enough ??

                  This one particular topic came to my mind because of the mindset of governance in India. Whenever India says its the largest democracy in world, it means that every act of governance is for people's welfare. But it should also mean how much people has perceived it like that !! Its very important for people as the primary contestant in democracy !! This gives them the order of Socrates automatically to understand and perceive governance ways. If governance in turn do not perceive it in right way, then its perceiving the democracy itself wrongly.

Ufff wats really Reality is ??

                    Media is one big way to analyse such demographic perception of governance. But its objective remains farther from depicting reality. Paid/Fake news has taken a new form called 'Distraction' news. Exaggeration and continuous feeding of information has been used to either shape up or distract from perceiving actual intention. Sad part is that apart from mainstream mass media, social media and domestic media too has joined hands that it becomes virtually impossible for the audience to decipher real intention. Media is definitely an educating platform unless healthy limitations and selective perceptions applied over it.
                     Institutions within democracy are most important engines of implementing governance at ground for achieving people's welfare. Now these institutions are actually being used under this cover to exhibit political or cultural mileage by all means. Here again, people would still perceive the outer behavior but not the real innate intention. Institutions checking financial obligation or the one researching Indology have all been highly diverted way far from objective but would still look like they are objective. Isn't it a magic of governance to deceive people.
                     The most starking aspect is the mentality about questioning in democracy. Government has always used those cliches like 'Dialogue and Discussion' to solve problems. But its only literally. Such an unconducive environment for democratic deliberations would kill critical elements of a nation. This nation has seen Prime Ministers awarding Cabinet positions to Opposition Party members. Its mainly because of the western philosophical model where '9 says Yes but one No, then convince him' as much as possible for maximum efficiency. But answers do not come for even people's genuine criticality. Instead questions comes from governance like 'Can you question like this in Singapore or Saudi'. Please Please bear with us people, this is democracy. Mind you, you cannot become Ministers in Singapore (Only people elected one as Minister) or Saudi (Monarchy) I suppose.
                      Demonetisation has passed through such glove of deception. Greatest flaw was the lack of inclusion of state governments in any form. So what happened with central banks being only engines of implementation. Those places that were listed as priority like hospitals, buses, petrol bunks. medical shops etc where actually not accepting the old notes. Now if thats the case, where can I go and complaint about it ? I did have neither time nor authority to report. Subsequent flaws like changing size of notes that did not fit ATMs immediately have all been never spoken. Of all, you can decipher one of largest financial institution's diversion and deception. Another biggest problem that is never spoken is lack of creation of sufficient jobs with respect to much boasted growth rate. Is Opposition either being deceptive again or intellectually weak enough to point out problems like these is yet to be deciphered.
                       Regionalisation of India into federal units has been bedrock of our democracy since colonial times. Development has to be envisioned from bottom to top to accommodate one of world's most culturally diverse nation. Imposition of cultural vision or say plainly 'One India model' is not wrong completely but wrong in its entirety like impinging it for all aspects. It will be successful upto a limitation but counter-productive beyond. European union is the best example of how it can fail if its in entirety but successful if limited according to local needs. Brexit-Grexit episodes say nations cant be fully integrated rather integration based on state's failures or needs like Norway. Putting same to India, never move beyond limits to homogenise India. It can be even more aggressively counter productive for a culturally diverse rich nation. India is still a Nation-in-the-making and will always be. Its how it looks beautiful, prospering and sustainable.
                       Political experts during Indian independence have quoted in majority that Democracy is worst form of government that India-like diverse nation could ever have selected. They predicted a 10-year expiry for India as one nation. But constitution makers have been wise in designing Indian style of democracy balancing diversity as well as the majority form of government. Governance should understand that real democracy starts from people in any form. Either diversity or from Majority rule point of view, it hovers around people. So if not the governance, people should ultimately understand their role in democracy, break the deception and monitor the real intention of governance, act wisely to use your Brahmashtram of 'VOTE' to elect people who understands real democracy and rule.


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