Music Memory

                          "Memory is defined as the faculty of mind by which information is encoded, stored and retrieved. Its the retention of info over a period of time influencing future actions. Its related to limbic systems and vital to experiences". Definitions like these are always head-spinning. Must be reminding the financial investment disclosure ads where a famous voice speaks in ultra speed like 'Mutual fund schemes are subjected to market risks. Please read the offer documents carefully before investing'. Yes, Memory is that complex to handle even at definition level. Because, for example, what If you forget Good memories but unable to forget bad memories ? Apart from its complexity and many other unique attributes, I ll take up its storage attribute. Forget Cerebrum or Medulla Oblangata. What If Music plays a part in memory storage ?  Thats what my contention is.

Blanket of Music over Mind

                          Lets strictly restrict within Movie songs especially Tamil ones. Yes, because I know nothing about Classical or any other form of Music. People of considerable proportion opt movie songs to de-stress in difficult life situations. Disgusted, put on headsets, play on self-made podcasts. And especially, some has this habit of looping through one particular song during such distress management. Movie songs can definitely smoothen one's mind quite like an Yoga or Meditation. But it also does one another thing. It has this knack of getting that particular situation recorded on our mind. That distress and song couples along to get pasted on your brain's memory area.
                          Next time you hear that particular looped song, along with enjoying and smoothening the mind, it will also bring those distress memories infront like a primary school child answering attendance in morning with half-popping hands. I dont think people opt songs during happier moments. Its sad moments upto 99.99 %. Cant blame the song instead. Music is such a powerful greasing agent of any memory. It cannot differentiate much between good and bad memories. Bad memory is a paradox when dealt along with Music. May look like a curse slowing our emotional well-being. But what if its a gift actually ?
                          A Bad memory is dangerous only if its hitting our mind and heart without any lubricant like a rusting motor cycle wheel. Yes, its the biggest curse. But when its coupling along side music, its not a curse. It gives us space to think softly and positively about managing those bad memories not repeating certainly in our life again. Music can be a teasing but successful manager of human mind. No man in this world would ever say 'I dont like Music'. Such is the magic it carries within itself. So whenever you feel depressed, go for some of your favourite composers like Ilayaraja or Rahman or Yuvan (?Tamil Film Music Composers). Music will itself freely store the depression, refetch it in future but for betterment of mind I promise !! 


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