Globalisation of Buddhism/Atheism soon !!

                       You would have been following any religion till now or not following nothing. For all religious followers, either you do it intense or simple Butter-over-Bread kind, have you ever thought why do we follow it ? Again category of people following your religion with some motto or meaning or understanding, please drop out. Now stick to rest of religious followers. We dont know why we follow our religion. Then we react like, my name comes from my religion. Then, I visit social institutions related to my religion. Then, my marriage happens following my religion's ritual model. Then, any festival in my home happens according to my religion prescribing. Then, I can see through my future through astrology. Its an involuntary social coupon handed over by the society at birth. This entity decides almost all of my social life.
                       So a religion is not that simple as we think. It can make you hard for survival if you are a Muslim in Myanmur, Can push you to enter reputed educational institutions through reservations, Can possibly shatter your marital plans if your fiancee belongs to a different religion in a traditional country like India. These are all non-intellectual consequences of following a religion. Even when we try answering 'Why do we follow it?', reasons sound like - for family, for society, for identity or by Birth. All of them are, 'What-to-do' kind. But 'What religion has to do' in a Man's life.

Buddha is Octo Great !!

                       Historically, religion was something that emerged solely to solve man's intellectual problems. Man as a social animal carries tons of emotions of different kinds - joy, anger, worry etc. He should have something externally controlling these for individual's own betterment. Thats where religions started initially as a belief or way of life. Any religion's emergence would have been strongly linked to helping its followers in streamlining their emotions. An individual can always have desires of material gains - In Ancient times it must have been Land, Power, Gold. In modern times, its Car, House, iPhone etc. A religion would never get these in any age of earth just by following it. Instead, it would have only guided the individual to gain these desires. So a reason to follow a religion should be highly individualized. Either we have completely ignored its purpose or the religion itself has ignored its purpose.
                       In Hinduism, Turmeric and Thulasi usage for its medicinal properties, Natural fragrances around God for peace of mind. Confessions in Christianity for relieving the emotions. Five Daily Prayers in Islam as speed breakers to our emotions. All these are highly individualistic. Neglecting purpose, society has made the follower stick to all other religious consequences instead. Set aside the debate of existence of God. Either an atheist or a theist, keeping confidence on something all through life is always eternal. And religion can easily be that one for an individual to confide on. But religion has hand-washed its real purpose and travelling in an undesirable unintended direction. So do the followers.
                       A religion that understands its real purpose will only stay in future. It should give followers some options of action to manage their intellectual problems. It should guide level of desires not reaching greedy-kind. It should make man understand that nature preservation is the best medicine to itself. It should promote feminism. It should have meditation-kind of fulcrum to rotate man's emotions in full balance. It should de-violate people's minds. It should make followers think that all are equal in any kind - Be it social or economical or political etc. Buddhism or its religious schools like Zen has all above features in its warehouse to prove itself as a real religion. It has kept its purpose real intact. It has not influenced man beyond intellectual control. Yes, social researches have already been predicting rise of atheists. But mind this. If other religions dont wake up, its followers would soon wake up. After some 30 years (?) or so, an individual can easily belong to Buddhism or any of its schools or an Atheist. 


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