Whom else should I Vote ??

                               A Pan-India question highly vocal in last decade. Despite being conscious-victims to Money/Caste/Religion/Dynasty-based politics, they always do that with this dilemma. Victims range from middle to poor classes of society. Lots of cinemas (especially Tamil ones) have repeatedly exclaimed the situation that it has become a cliche I wonder !! Whenever they feel being cheated by the government, they would raise a strong opinion not to vote for it next time. Like the "Ball in your court" idiom, alternative governments still continues as the norm. During every election day, our dilemma latches on our back like the Vikramaditya-Vedhalam story. As the solution for dilemma comes for the debate in Tea Shop parliament, after a long usual ruckus as it happens in real parliament, Tea shop parliamentarians comes to that usual conclusion - "Enatha paesunalum vera vazhi illa !!" ("Nevertheless of discussions, alternative voting remains the way !!").

Each eye eyeing in expectation for a promising candidate
                                So whats democracy then ? People elected government - as the common man rightly understands. Then where is the problem ? Do we need high political literacy to select right people ? No, we need to select people with good political literacy. Means one who continuously restructures laws and regulations for ethical people's welfare. Not the one who repeatedly claims there is a legal/admin/financial/political problem whenever people rise for welfare rights. Law is for people for god's sake. So, for such a selection to happen, we need to first break the dilemma in voting. Then lets introduce ourselves to an existing but less popular election candidate - NOTA.
                                Some quick facts about NOTA will do. Called 'None Of The Above', its a non-political candidate based on the voter's Right to Reject. Dont like existing candidates, voting to NOTA means you reject the rest. Its not a new one but an improved version of erstwhile section 49(O). Recently, it has been awarded with a symbol (Black cross) signifying its growing importance. So vote out NOTA to win, problem gets solved. If thats the case, that should have already happened. NOTA can save for the first time with its victory, but a compulsory re-election following it will announce a second majority political candidate as winner even if NOTA continues its victory. Then how can NOTA help for resurrecting democracy to start it again from people but successfully this time.
                                NOTA winning in a constituency means there is serious political vacuum in that place. Publicizing the issue in media (including social media of course) would automatically render options other than existing to rise and fill the vacuum. Now people will start using NOTA as the alarm button to announce whenever such vacuum arises. Alternatives will start rising to the occasion in the second subsequent re-election itself. People are so moderate and rational (India into Singapore atleast in two decades with such immense resources of all kinds) that they too dont expect immediate solutions to their problems. They expect the political regime to use existing governance setup wisely and deliver realistic outcomes only. If such realistic governance is delivered, they will vote otherwise press NOTA buzzer. Think of such voter maturity in entire nation. NOTA will definitely help alternative political options like youth to rise to the occasion.
                                As the utilisation of NOTA becomes dominant, Supreme court and civil society will push to further strengthen and evolve NOTA to new heights. Result - NOTA becomes the tool of direct democracy in an indirect democracy. In an era of information revolution, NOTA revolution is always possible. More than possible, its necessary. People will start looking the alternate options, analyse and compare how realistic the promises are across candidates. They will start weighing the options beyond religion-caste-money-dynasty basis as NOTA as last alternative is always available. Information revolution will help for seamless dissemination guiding people to evolve in voting.
                                As India reining currently in demographic dividend phase, the right section of society to be torch bearers of such NOTA revolution should be the youth. With social media presence at the greatest, they should start evolving themselves and help their family evolve in voting. Had the political setup sat and worked enough to restructure laws allowing the Jallikattu to evolve instead of banning it, a successful Gandhian revolution by youth in Tamilnadu could have been averted. So youth should rise to this occasion of bringing in a Voting change via NOTA. Its our obligation more than discretion.
                                No where in the world but in India, the Universal adult franchise was awarded immediately after independance. In 70 years of politics, power of voting has not been realised yet both by politicians and voters. But obligation lies with latter to save his own. Everything starts with an vote. You dont vote, they cant govern. Reject and reject and reject to choose wisely. A 'Policy of Rejection' similar to a political party's policy needs to develop within common man. There are no Slaves in democracy but People are Masters always. Understand and operate. Most powerful Indian youth - Please guide them !!


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