
Showing posts from January, 2018

Government Ads Review: Good Content but Poor Execution !! Rating: Below Average

                             An Advertisement is always showcased in its full version for first few days being telecasted. As viewers start getting the addictive perception growing strong for that particular ad, it will get its trimmed version being telecasted. From Vodafone to Oppo to Mauka Mauka ads, the story is same. Is it a feature movie to have its trailer or super scenes alone played ? Even a conservative adult will try Pizzas or KFC chicken (Finger licking is good!) atleast once seeing those close-ups around roasted grills. Good or bad, have it not made children pick their favourite biscuits or chocolates or junk easily from rack themselves and fill up the super market baskets for their fathers to get shocked in bill counters ? An ad has even showcased that eating oily roasted items are lighter (?) (Light ah tha miss irukum!). These have made life easier to not change channels in ad-breaks. Some have good background music, some have very good content, some are carried by great

Has Cricket killed all other Sports in India???

                        USA spends one third of its GDP on Sports. Even communist China has Olympic schools to groom prospects right from childhood. Ethiopia's name has not much been heard by world except when an athlete from this country lean for groping gold in their neck standing 'No. 1' of the sweet woodspot. Iran, Kazhakstan, Cuba and many other smaller nations have consistently been spotting a decent place in medals tally. It looks like India is devoid of talents. Is it so? A Big No!!! Then what is happening with us?'. We usually feel like, 'Sports governance is declining', 'Cricket has killed all other sports', 'Non-Cricket sports are not much popular', 'Government is not concerned about sportsmanship', 'Indian parents place sports as a last choice for their children', '40% in the nation are poor and sleep daily in hunger, Can they ever dream of sports?', 'World class infra-led US can be a nightmare for Indian

Globalisation of Buddhism/Atheism soon !!

                       You would have been following any religion till now or not following nothing. For all religious followers, either you do it intense or simple Butter-over-Bread kind, have you ever thought why do we follow it ? Again category of people following your religion with some motto or meaning or understanding, please drop out. Now stick to rest of religious followers. We dont know why we follow our religion. Then we react like, my name comes from my religion. Then, I visit social institutions related to my religion. Then, my marriage happens following my religion's ritual model. Then, any festival in my home happens according to my religion prescribing. Then, I can see through my future through astrology. Its an involuntary social coupon handed over by the society at birth. This entity decides almost all of my social life.                        So a religion is not that simple as we think. It can make you hard for survival if you are a Muslim in Myanmur, Can push