
Showing posts from August, 2020

"May COVID 19 gift us Simple Marriages"

I was sitting in the middle of a crowd. My relative sitting nearby was enquiring about my career. Someone was capturing my conversation in a video camera with an assistant showering lights on me. People around wore nice dress, ornaments and well made for the occasion. Plastic flowers and colorful designs pasted on walls and windows. A child was crying at the corner and a cousin was consoling. Children in groups were busy playing around. A lot of young nephews and cousins were teasing and mocking around.  It was mix of sounds. I can see a stage elevated enough for these people to watch. There were two people on stage dressed, ornamented and made up well enough more than anybody else in that Hall. They were receiving a gift and smiling for the camera, FLASH!!! Before the next person was about to walk into the stage, bunch of friends broke in, cleared away even the couple for some time to arrange a cake cutting ceremony. You can see a big queue standing beneath the stage waiting to gift a

Life is a See-Saw of Happiness!!!

There is a million dollar question throughout the history of Man – What makes us happy? Whatever makes an individual satisfied, makes him happy. An individual high on drugs or alcohol, an individual earning lots of money irrespective of the ways it was earned, a social system keeping masses down the ladder just to keep few up the ladder satisfied - All these smells like happiness then!! Biologists point out biochemistry in this happiness research. Serotonin, Dopamine are some of happiness hormones that ring the bells. Gene has put upper and lower boundaries on happiness. You can either climb to the top or fall to the bottom. Genetically, we are all different. Dhoni and Kohli are not same. Depending on the situation, you may be happy or sorrow or neutral. Scientifically, it stops here in inferring the happiness. We don’t have any proven healthy medicine to influence this. Of course, we have non-healthy alternatives - drugs, alcohol or any other thing your gene considers it as happiness