
Showing posts from March, 2017

A 5 day live thriller movie - Test Matches

                 Cricket had its origin with a Test match in 1844 between USA and Canada. Compared with other two formats - ODI (since 1971) and T20 (since 2005), test format has its indispensable 175 years of history and contribution to cricket. Heated debates prevail over silent cornering of this important format by T20 (even ODIs face that now). Test format have long been accused since last decade of being boredom, contracting lesser audience and among all, no glamour in its essence anymore (comment of a common fan!). Is test format losing its shine really ? I dont think so !! It has been beautifully sculpted in last two to three years by players across globe. It has started breaking all the accusations. A reflection of it was ICC's plans for Test championship (A World cup in Test Matches). I believe more than to save the format, it is to acknowledge its evolution to Cricket. It has developed all in-built features and ready to compete with T20. I am here to bring out some featu